Monday, February 18, 2013

The Group

There are 11 in the group, 4 couples, 2 other singles and me.  An interesting bunch:-

Smiler - a nurse, early 40s and single - an absolute delight, first time on a tour of this kind and in wonder of everything.  Had come on the trip with MM below having met her on a singles holiday a couple of years ago. 

Moaning Minnie - an adult education teacher, early 60s and single - a really nice lady but unfortunately she able to find fault with everything so it got a bit tiresome after a while.

Mr Wolf in Sheep's Clothing & Wife - seemed very pleasant and had constant smiles on face but transpires were actually bitching about everyone all the time and engineering things to suit themselves. Always ate at their own table away from the rest of us.

Tigger & Wife - retired HR Manager and practising nurse - lovely couple, way younger than their 60 years.  He bounced around in sheer delight at everything and she was just lovely and normal.

Been Everywhere & Wife - mid 70s/late 60s, another lovely couple, hardly a country they haven't visited. Down to earth and a pleasure to spend time with. Been to India 11 times, he was brought up in India and spoke Urdu. She just had so many tales of trips to tell and took everything in her stride. Super people.

Oddball & Girlfriend - late 60s she was lovely but he could be quite difficult although I warmed to him as time got on. Both very kind people, I just think he had an unfortunate way of expressing things and hadn't been on a tour of this kind before, so wasn't sure what went on and how flexibility was needed.

Our tour leader, Mahvi, is from Rajasthan where he is a feudal landowner (his words). He lost his wife in 2002 and has 3 children 16, 14 and 12. Also speaks fluent Italian.  Very knowledgeable. patient, kind (when I was ill) and funny with it.

Me - I just sat back and went with the flow; didn't mind what I did or when. The most stress free holiday I've ever had !!